Bread Winner

Today's poem is for all those who aren't happy in their work right now, and want a change. But it's also for all the Wise Grandmothers, past and present, who lived in more restrictive times, and often weren't able to SHINE like the diamonds they were and still are today.

I want to earn bundles.
Doesn’t everyone, see?
But there’s pain in knowing,
This work’s not right for me.
It needs to fit better.
If I’m going to rise.
I need to find something.
That warrants my guise.
So I slap down the dough.
Kneading, shoving hands.
Pressing hard on my knuckles.
Deep Down, making plans.
My Breathing is Laboured.
I’m Getting Too Hot.
I know I need something.
I just don’t know what.
So I must be patient.
The proving’s the thing.
It’s all in the waiting,
My Granny would sing.
So I wait, and keep waiting.
Knowing Something will Come.
I check ‘neath the tea-towel.
Fingers start to drum.
Into the hot oven,
The dough finally goes.
I look through the window.
And sigh at my woes.
I click on the kettle.
Pour out af’noon tea.
I Pick up the paper.
Now Granny, let’s see.
The best thing’s distraction,
Dear Granny would say.
So let us play cards dear.
Remembrance, today.
And before we know it.
A plan takes a shape.
I grab yes-day’s paper.
And give it a shake.
My mouth starts to water,
My tum starts to growl.
Wait! Here’s An Offer from
The Dark Side of Me - owww!
I pull out the Hot Loaf.
It burns and I frown.
So out comes the Butter.
I let it Cool Down.
Chomping while forming.
The most perfect c.v.
I Muster Such Bull,
That They’re Bound to Want Me!
I peer up at her.
She smiles back down at me.
Brave girl, go do it,
Brave girl, do it for me.

K M Pearce, Nurturing the Roots